The participating institutions

Hamburg Institut is a consulting and research company with a focus on the energy and environmental sectors. Since 2012, it has been supporting government agencies, municipalities, companies from various sectors, industry associations and other stakeholders both nationally and abroad in the successful implementation of the energy transition. Hamburg Institut combines long-standing expertise in the fields of policy-making, administration, business, law and technology and offers interdisciplinary research work in addition to consulting and strategy development. Since 2019, Hamburg Institut has been part of the Averdung Ingenieure & Berater GmbH group.
Hamburg Institut
- Standardisation work for the revision of EN 16325 "Guarantees of Origin related to energy".
- Development of a draft law for power GOs from new state-funded RE plants (on behalf of LichtBlick SE).
- Green electricity market 2025 - How intelligent control of the green electricity market will accelerate the energy transition, 2019, study commissioned by LichtBlick SE.
- Green electricity market analysis 2019, commissioned by the Federal Environment Agency, 2019.
- How does green electricity reach the consumer? Analysis for Agora Energiewende, 2015.

For GreenGasAdvisors, green gases constitute an essential building block of the future energy supply and thus help to secure our prosperity. With their expertise and their focus on content, Stephan Bowe and his team support their customers in setting the right course today.
- Advising on the establishment of a national biogas register for the Irish gas network operator Gas Networks Ireland
- Creation of the Green Gases Expert Network as a decentralised network on green gases in Germany
- Consulting for various companies from the biogas industry (traders, plant operators)
- Participation in the DIN committee for the revision of EN 16325
The project team
Robert Werner co-founded Hamburg Institut and has been its Managing Director since 2012. His consulting focus is on strategy and business development for energy companies. In his consulting and research work, he deals in depth with the future of the green electricity market, the guarantee of origin market and the further development of the respective framework conditions.
After studying geography and business administration, he worked as a consultant for energy taxes and energy policy, as a research assistant at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Mannheim and as a management consultant. From 2001 to 2011, he was a Board Member and Managing Director in the green electricity industry, responsible for electricity procurement and sales as well as the construction of wind, hydro and solar power plants. Robert Werner is a member of the DIN committee for the revision of EN 16325.
Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Bowe, GreenGasAdvisors
Stephan Bowe is the founder of GreenGasAdvisors, focusing on sustainable gas supply with renewable gases. Previously, he helped to set up the German Biogas Register at Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH between 2010 and 2018 and continuously developed it further. This included the establishment of international cooperation with the Danish and Austrian biogas registers and the development of a European network of biogas registers. Stephan Bowe is a qualified engineer in technical environmental protection, with a focus on water pollution control. He has also completed group leadership training in Theme-Centred Interaction (TCI) at the Ruth Cohn Institute.
Dr. Alice Sakhel focuses on guarantees of origin and decarbonising the heat supply and industry. She completed her degree in business administration at the University of Cologne, with a specialisation in international management at the FGV in São Paulo. In her doctoral thesis at the University of Hamburg in the field of environmental and energy management, she researched, among other things, the topics of climate reporting to reduce financial market uncertainty and corporate handling of uncertainty regarding climate regulation.
After working for about two years as a consultant for energy statistics at Agora Energiewende, Alice Sakhel most recently worked as a consultant for the German government’s Science Platform for Climate Protection.
Dr.-Ing. Paul Girbig, GreenGasAdvisors(Senior Consultant)
In addition to his work as a lecturer at TUM Munich and Ansbach University, Dr. Paul Girbig works as a freelance consultant in the energy industry. For more than 15 years, he has been a member of the German DIN Standards Committee “Fundamentals of Environmental Protection NA 172-00-09 AA”. He is also a member of the ISO Technical Committee 301 “Energy management and energy savings”. At the European level, he is a member of both the CEN-CENELEC Sector Forum “Energy Management” and the CEN Working Group Revision of EN 16325 “Guarantees of Origin”. Before joining the university, he worked for 38 years in a management position at Siemens in the energy sector. His professional focus was on supporting companies with regard to industrial energy supply, energy transport and energy use, including production processes. His goal is to promote business success through energy efficiency and environmental protection at various corporate levels, from top management to operational activities.
Dr. Alexandra Styles, Hamburg Institut(Senior Researcher)
Alexandra Styles (née Purkus) is a Senior Researcher at Hamburg Institut. She holds a PhD in Economics. Her research focuses on guarantees of origin, marketing strategies and support schemes for renewable energy, sector coupling and bioenergy. From 2011 to 2018, Alexandra Styles conducted research on the interplay between climate and energy policy and sustainable land use at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ). From 2014 onwards, she was responsible for the strategic development of the research area “Economics of material use of renewable raw materials and renewable energy”. Before that, she completed her doctorate at UFZ in cooperation with the German Biomass Research Centre (DBFZ) on German and European bioenergy policy in the power, heat and transport sectors. From 2018 to 2020, she worked at the Thünen Institute for Wood Research, where she dealt with evaluation research as well as the regulatory framework for wood-based construction.
Juliane Mundt, Hamburg Institut(Senior Researcher)
Juliane Mundt is a consultant on CO2 and green power markets, as well as on climate neutrality. She is also a certification manager for the ok-power label. After studying sustainability management at Leuphana University Lüneburg, she was involved in the planning and development of emission-reducing projects in developing countries at the German Corporation for International Cooperation. As an auditor at Germanischer Lloyd, she validated and verified CDM projects and voluntary carbon market projects. Subsequently, she implemented photovoltaic projects in developing countries and conducted trainings on renewable energy management and energy efficiency. At Hamburg Institut, among other roles, she heads the project on the design of regional electricity labelling commissioned by the Federal Environment Agency.